Care Package
My translated letter arrived today thanks to Adele Hall ( ). She translated a rather lengthy letter for me explaining the contents of my package and asking the items be given to Nicholas. She has an excellent template to work from. She also translated a list of 17 questions for us about Nicholas's likes and dislikes. I am sending a box of chocolates to the staff of the SWI in the hopes that someone takes the time to answer at least some of the questions! I strongly recommend her services. Adele also translated a small card (about a 3 X 5) that I laminated and we plan to carry to China with us. It explains who we are and why we are in China, and also that we promise to educate Nicholas and teach him respect for his beautiful homeland.
We also are sending a disposable camera and asked that someone take pictures of Nicholas in his daily activities so that he may have a treasure from this time in his life. Someday, I think it will be important to him.
I also sent a security blanket, a small toy, and an outfit. We still really don't have much clue on sizes. Our report from June indicated he is almost 36 inches, 32 lbs. But that seems so small to us! American size would put him at a 2T. We originally thought that our report was from August of 2004, so we were anticipating a 3T or 4T by now. WRONG!!! I bought 3T stuff, mostly, so I'm hoping we are ok.
We just went through the children's closets to clear the clutter of too-small clothing. I usually post it on Craigslist or Freecycle to give away, but I boxed up all of Matthew's too-small stuff and put it up in the garage. I guess it will be some time before Nicholas needs size 6, but Matthew had several pairs of shoes that he only wore a couple of times before outgrowing!!! Matthew is tickled at the thought of Nicholas wearing his favorite outfits that he didn't want to part with. It made the closet cleaning a much easier experience than usual!
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