Today is special...
I don't know how I will make it until tonght!!!
One of our fellow GWCA Wuxi family was finally untied with her daughter yesterday. Today, they travel back to the SWI to see where their daughter has been raised. They have been told they will not be allowed to visit the children's area. However, they were told if there were specific children they wanted to see, those children would be brought out to meet them and pictures could be taken!!!!
She has requested to see the 3 boys that are being adopted by others in our group, including NICHOLAS!!!! I would be so excited to get new pictures, and a "westerners" evaluation of his size and health, you know, one mom to another!!!
She posted her last update at 9pm last night, so I am hoping for another posting tonight. One of her posts was at 1am....and I cannot stay up that late, but I may not be able to sleep with anticipation, either!!!
We have been making some plans for our own journey to China. We are going to drive to my parent's house and leave our van with them. We will take the airport shuttle to the airport in San Francisco, and leave from there. When we are finished in China, instead of returning through Bejing, I think we will head to Shanghai to visit friends there and return home from Shanghai. Then mom & dad can pick us up at the airport, with the children if they don't come along with us....and we will be able to rest a couple of days in California before heading home.
Planning makes this seem like a little more of a reality. I have been the one from the beginning trying to encourage Justin to let his heart go and accept that Nicholas will join our family. He has always been waiting for the other shoe to drop and for someone to tell us we can't complete the adoption. Suddenly, he seems to be very sure that everything will be ok, which is good because now I'm starting to freak out!
I have Nicholas's suitcase packed already. How about I just show up in China? Do you think they'd let me take him home!?! LOL! I'm just too anxious to keep waiting!!!
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