TA's in the wind....
It has been 4 weeks since the last TA's were sent for those on my yahoo group of special needs adoptions from China. Yesterday, they began again. Someone got one with a LID of 10/18. My LID is 10/26...SO CLOSE!!!
My agency was told that they had a package of non-special needs TA's mailed ...sometimes they throw in a few SN ones, too! Please keep your fingers crossed and say prayers that today is our day!!! It is also our anniversary (when dh & I started dating) so it would be a GREAT day!
I have become obsessed with the "probability" of getting our TA on any given day. I used the last 6 months worth of data from my yahoo group and calculated our percentages on each Monday. Then I started playing the "what if" game. What if I separated out the agencies...does that make a difference? What if I eliminate everyone who is single or who had to wait for a family size waiver? Does that make my odds better?
In the long run, the TA will arrive when it was meant to, and not a day before. In the mean time, I will continue to drive myself and my husband crazy with my numbers!!!
Back to work to think about what today might hold in store for us!!!!
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