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Bringing Home Nicholas

Come and follow our journey as we bring home the newest member of our family! Nicholas is 3 1/2 years old and waits for us in Jiangsu, China.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Leaving for China....

Not for the adoption, sadly, but just for very short vacation. My mom is a flight attendant, and I have decided to try and distract myself from the TA wait by going to work with her. I'm not sure a trip to China is the best solution to distract me, but the shopping surely cannot hurt! :-)

Besides, it will give me a chance to test my posting skills from China. I will be exploring Shanghai, the city we will be visiting on our way home at the conclusion of our adoption adventure. Justin has bravely agreed to stay home with the children, giving me a true vacation and "girls adventure" out. I am very lucky to have such a great husband.


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