Wow oh Wow!!!
I belong to a yahoo group for people adopting special needs children from China. We keep statistics about how long processes are taking depending on the order of your paperwork.
We have slowly watched our name move from the bottom of the "waiting for a TA" list to somewhere in the middle. Our name seems to move up about 4-5 spots a week.
On Monday morning, we were #50 on the list. Then a FLOOD of TA's came in. If everyone on the list ahead of us with a LID on or before where the TA's were coming in yesterday...then we are now #24 on the list. That is a HUGE one day jump. I think I saw about 20 TA's for certain on my various yahoo groups.
And CHI - another agency - doesn't seem to have given any out yet! Their coordinator was out of town yesterday and it appears that no one was notified if they recieved any TA's.
Today should prove to be interesting!!!
The average time from from LID to TA is about 70 days...some got theirs yesterday in only 38 days. YIKES!!!! Please let that be us!
We would get our TA about December 3!!!
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