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Bringing Home Nicholas

Come and follow our journey as we bring home the newest member of our family! Nicholas is 3 1/2 years old and waits for us in Jiangsu, China.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Package found...no TA for us

I will crawl back in my hole to continue waiting. I'm very sad. Looks like we have to start praying for January.

Package still missing...

No update from the agency yesterday, except to give their holiday out-of-office days. I feel bad for them. People are upset that mail has been lost, but it is out of the agency's hands. They are trying to get the information another way, but people are already stressed with the holidays and emotions are running high. I hope that answers arrive soon for everyone, but they will come just as they are meant to and not a minute before.

I joked with my husband that our TA must be in the packet and God knows we won't be functional at work after it arrives, so that's why it's delayed. It will arrive tomorrow, the day we are scheduled to leave town for the holidays anyway so I won't be a disturbance to my co-workers.

Maybe we'll get really luck and get a CA appointment in the first half of January. We might not even have to go back to work before we need to head out to China, as the CA appointment is the last thing you do before heading home to the US - you've already been in China nearly 2 weeks at that point, and J and I are planning on heading to China a few days early to better adjust to the time zone changes.

In any case, we are packing tonight for both our holiday and China. We are heading to my family's in CA, and will be leaving our China suitcases in their care since we have to head out through San Francisco anyway. I've had Nicholas's suitcases packed for weeks, but I'm a little nervous about tearing through them all again tonight and making sure I have everything. I'll make an inventory list of each bag, so I can resist my OCD urges to open them again at a later date before we leave!!!

Please keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow. It is our son's 7th birthday and a TA would be a great way to celebrate. OF course, I think I said that for our anniversary on 12/14 as well. :-)

Monday, December 19, 2005

NO news...

One family from my agency received their LID, but no word on anything else at this point. I'm pretty sure that means the envelope has arrived. I'm hoping my TA is at the bottom of the stack and they just haven't gotten to me yet! I can wish, anyway. I do have a 38.9% chance of getting my TA today. I'm thinking 12/26 might be our day. I'll try not to hold my breath, but all this waiting has me cranky. :-)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

TA's in the wind....

It has been 4 weeks since the last TA's were sent for those on my yahoo group of special needs adoptions from China. Yesterday, they began again. Someone got one with a LID of 10/18. My LID is 10/26...SO CLOSE!!!

My agency was told that they had a package of non-special needs TA's mailed ...sometimes they throw in a few SN ones, too! Please keep your fingers crossed and say prayers that today is our day!!! It is also our anniversary (when dh & I started dating) so it would be a GREAT day!

I have become obsessed with the "probability" of getting our TA on any given day. I used the last 6 months worth of data from my yahoo group and calculated our percentages on each Monday. Then I started playing the "what if" game. What if I separated out the agencies...does that make a difference? What if I eliminate everyone who is single or who had to wait for a family size waiver? Does that make my odds better?

In the long run, the TA will arrive when it was meant to, and not a day before. In the mean time, I will continue to drive myself and my husband crazy with my numbers!!!

Back to work to think about what today might hold in store for us!!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Home again

China was FABULOUS!!! I shopped my heart out and fell in love with the country. I cried when I left, and I cannot wait to return.

There is a 1% chance we could get our TA today. My agency got 20 on Friday from the non-special-needs program, and are expecting about 20 more today. I am hoping China threw in a couple of waiting child TA's as well. There are two of us waiting on the same SWI and we would love to go!!!

This group was told to expect to leave for China on 12/21 or 12/23. What a wonderful way to spend the holidays!!!!

Keep your fingers crossed and if you have any access to fairy dust, now would be a good time to break it out!