Just shoot me now
Everything happens for a reason, I know. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. I have every document I need to take to the state...except our homestudy report. They had to write a "short" version for China. It went back and forth for a few days between my agencies, then was fed-exed on Monday. The zip was wrong, and now it's in La-La land. I called fed ex yesterday when the envelope missed it's 1030 deadline, and they corrected the zip and rerouted it. But it didn't make delivery. Then today, it's again past 1030 and still not delivered. I was hoping to have this all done yesterday, but since I missed it, now I have to wait until next week to send this off to China, as my adoption agency only sends stuff to China on Fridays.
I guess I should consider myself lucky...I've heard some agencies only send a package to China once a month.
65 days from next Friday would be about November 27th. That would still give us plenty of time to get a consulate appointment in December. December is ideal travel time for us. Kids are out of school mid-month so they wouldn't even miss anything there.... please say a prayer for us!!! I'll go crazy if I can't spend Christmas with my new son.
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