New Information
Day 13 of the PA wait! But we did get new information today on Nicholas! He has grown! Our last update was from almost a year ago, so our agency requested an update and it arrived very quickly!
He is now almost 36 inches tall and 32 lbs. He is keeping right in his growth curve, so everything looks great! He has been ill, but is fine now. He has had frequent respiratory infections and was hospitalized in April. :-( He was diagnosed with "transient hypogammaglobulinemia" which sounds bad but is a common childhood disorder that is usually outgrown. It basically means that his body doesn't build up immunities so he gets sick easily.
This disorder can cause frequent respiratory and ear infections. We may have our first glimmer into what caused his deafness.
Other than that - he is reported to be very independant and can do simple gymnastics.
As for the paperchase, etc.... all we are waiting on is my birth certificates. All the others have arrived. I'm not sure what the hold up is.
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